Kanpai in Akabane, Tokyo 3km


GPS art of beer mugs drawn in Akabane, one of Tokyo’s most popular entertainment districts✨

This GPS art course allows you to draw a specialty while sightseeing in Akabane, one of the most popular bar area in Japan.
The surrounding area used to be an inn town called Iwabuchi Yado, but developed as a transportation hub after the railroad was opened in the Meiji era. After World War II, a black market occurred and the area developed into a downtown area with restaurants for nearby factory workers. Today, it is popular not only among middle-aged and older people but also among young people, and is known as “Senbero no machi” (Senbero town), where you can get drunk if you pay 1,000 yen.
Since the distance is short, this course can be enjoyed purely as a sightseeing tour of Akabane. Please try it when you visit Akabane!


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