Snail in around Hasedera Temple in Kamakura City, Kanagawa pref. 9km


GPS art of snail to enjoy the whole Kamakura area🐌✨

Hasedera Temple, one of the most famous tourist attractions in Kamakura, has a long history and is said to have started in 736 during the Nara period (710-794).
The precincts are called the “Western Paradise of Kamakura” where flowers are in constant bloom throughout the four seasons, and in June, 2,500 hydrangeas of 40 species are in full bloom.
In 2021, in order to avoid denseness, they are making it a pay-as-you-go system & numbered tickets for crowded times.

This is a good course for sightseeing as you can tour around Kamakura, including Yuigehama beach.✨


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