Frog in Rokugatsu Hachiman Shrine, Adachi, Tokyo 15km


Frog GPS art drawn on the site where Kobayashi Issa’s famous haiku was born✨

This is a course of GPS art of frogs to be drawn at Rokugatsu Hachiman Shrine and Kentsenji Temple, the site where Kobayashi Issa composed this haiku.
Therefore, many objects related to frogs can be seen in the precincts of the temple. The reason why we introduced both the temple and the shrine is because they are both located on the same site! They are both on the same site! When the temple was founded in the 11th century, it was created for a system called shinbutsu shugyo, in which a temple manages a shrine.
This course allows visitors to enjoy the residential area of Adachi Ward. You’ll enjoy the somewhat labyrinthine paths!


  1. 北海道神宮の虎(北海道札幌市中央区)のGPSアート

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  4. 江東(東京都江東区)のGPSアート

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