Frog in KAERU Adventure, Sakura City, Tochigi pref. 20km


GPS art of a frog, drawn by a company named after frogs✨

This is a course of frog GPS art to be drawn around KAERU Adventure, a company named after frog (kaeru) in Sakura City, Tochigi Prefecture.
KAERU Adventure is a company that operates a leisure facility where visitors can enjoy canoeing and camping on the Naka River. The name of the company means “a small frog’s steady and persistent challenge will eventually bring happiness to many people.
If you are interested in the outdoors or want to draw GPS art in Sakura City, please give us a try!

*An aside… Looking at Frog Adventure’s website, it seems to offer authentic outdoor leisure activities. Personally, I would like to take my kids there for hands-on learning.

KAERU Adventure Official Web.


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    Frog in Kaeru Cafe, Nagoya, Aichi pref. 7km

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