Tiger in Kawagoe Kita-in Temple, Kawagoe, Saitama pref. 10km


GPS Art of Chinese Zodiac Signs Drawn in One of Saitama’s Leading Temples✨

Kita-in Temple, also known as Kawagoe Daishi, is said to have started in 830 AD in the early Heian period. The precincts of the temple are home to many buildings and collections designated as important cultural properties. The temple is well known by the local residents and is crowded with events throughout the four seasons. It is also one of the most popular places for New Year’s visits in the prefecture, with about 400,000 people visiting the temple.
This is a course of GPS art of the Chinese zodiac sign, the tiger, drawn around Kawagoe Daishi. The course is in front of the station, short in distance, and takes you around the sightseeing area. Perfect for a new type of sightseeing and walking around town!


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