Frog in Kaeru Cafe, Nagoya, Aichi pref. 7km


Frog GPS art to be drawn around the frog coffee shop✨

This is a course of frog GPS artwork to be drawn around a coffee shop named after a frog in Higashi Ward, Nagoya City.
The “Frog Café” was created with the concept of “frogs” and the desire for customers to use it as a “frog” place…. The interior of the restaurant cannot be seen from the outside. Although the interior of the restaurant cannot be seen from the outside, it appears to have a frog mural, frog artwork, and a frog menu. Unfortunately, the restaurant was closed in April 2024, just before this article was written.
The restaurant has moved to a new location, but the exterior of the restaurant may still have remnants of the frogs. If you visit Nagoya, please try this GPS art!


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