G clef in Shinjuku Gyoen, Tokyo 2km


GPS art that can be drawn without densification in the middle of the city✨

This course uses the entire Shinjuku Gyoen Garden, a huge garden in the middle of the center of Tokyo, to draw a giant G clef.
The number of visitors to the park is capped at 2,000 for the Corona Peril. Therefore, the park is not crowded and there are no lines at the rest areas, making it a good spot to spend some time in comfort. However, if the number of visitors exceeds the limit, there is a risk of having to wait to enter the park. We suggest you enter as early as possible!



Source: Flickr

Just Did It!!!

In October 2021, after the state of emergency declared by Corona was lifted, I immediately took up the challenge!
The road was partially blocked, but I took a short cut and was able to draw it safely.

GPS ART of "G clef" in Shinjuku Gyoen


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