Cat in Nekozane, Urayasu, Chiba pref. 8km


GPS art of a cat, drawn in a place named after a cat✨

February 22 is “Cat Day”. This is a course where you can draw a GPS art of a cat at Nekozane in Urayasu City, Chiba Prefecture.
In the Kamakura period (1185-1333), a village that was hit by a huge tsunami built an embankment near the Toyouke Shrine and planted a large pine tree on top of it. The pine tree was planted on top of the embankment, and the name “Ne Gosane” was derived from the wish that waves would not overtake the roots of the tree.
This place was once a beach, but was reclaimed. It is flat and the distance is easy. This is a course that you can enjoy while lightly jogging.


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