Sanda Claus in Hamburg, GERMANY 10km


GPS art of Santa Claus carrying the center of Hamburg✨

This is a GPS art course where you can draw Santa Claus with Hamburg on his back, circling the center of the city.
You can complete the course in a short distance while taking in the canals, Alster Lake, City Hall, churches, parks, and many other tourist attractions. It is recommended as a city sightseeing course not only during the Christmas season but also in other seasons.
The size of the bag could be increased and the line could be extended to Hamburg station.


  1. 雨池町のカタツムリ(新潟県長岡市)のGPSアート

    Snail in Amaikemachi, Nagaoka, Niigata pref. 9km

  2. ニースのONE TEAM(ナント/フランス)のGPSアート

    ONE TEAM in Nice, France 9km

  3. 白山神社の虎(新潟新潟市)のGPSアート

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  4. 焼き鳥かえるのかえる(和歌山県田辺市)のGPSアート

    Frog in Tabern Kaeru, Tanabe, Wakayama pref. 15km

  5. 日野のドクロ(東京都日野市)のGPSアート

    Skull in Hino, Tokyo 20km

  6. パリのONE TEAM(パリ/フランス)のGPSアート

    ONE TEAM in Raris, France 9km

  1. C(福島県福島市)のGPSアート

    “C” in Fukushima City 3km

  2. C(山形県山形市)のGPSアート

    “C” in Yamagata City 5km

  3. C(秋田県秋田市)のGPSアート

    “C” in Akita City 5km

  4. C(宮城県仙台市)のGPSアート

    “C” in Sendai, Miyagi pref. 5km

  5. C(岩手県盛岡市)のGPSアート

    “C” in Morioka, Iwate pref. 5km

  1. Cherry Blossom in around Nago Castle Park 16km

  2. 東京スカイツリーに描くこいのぼりのGPSアート

    Carp Streamer in around Tokyo Skytree 4km

  3. TokyoCircleWalk

    Tokyo Circle Walk 32km

  4. ピースマーク(千葉県船橋市)のお絵かきラン

    PEACE on Finabashi, Chiba pref. 4km

  5. Around the World in Osaka 20km