Budapest Circle Walk 41km

ブダペスト サークルウォーク(ブダペスト/ハンガリー)のGPSアート

A circle walk with a radius of 3.14 km, drawn in the capital of Hungary✨

This GPS art course allows you to draw a regular circle with a radius of 3.14 km around the “Zero Kilometer Stone”, Hungary’s road marker. It is located in the center of Budapest, under the “Royal Palace Hill” and just before the cable car stop. It is literally “art where you can draw a circle in the center of Hungary.
It is in the shape of a zero sign, and the letter “KM” for kilometer is engraved on the base. It is the work of Miklós Borsos and was erected in 1975.
The course passes through the center of Budapest, including Margit Island and Therese Varroch. We hope you will take advantage of this tour as part of your Budapest sightseeing!


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