Cherry Blossom in Tokamachi Sta., Nigata pref. 10km


Cherry blossom GPS art in a snowy art town✨

This GPS art course depicts cherry blossoms in the center of Tokamachi, which has been transformed into a city of art through the Art Triennale that began in 2000. Due to the Triennale, the area around Tokamachi Station has been partially redeveloped. Especially after the completion of the roadside station and the adjacent cultural facility (Museum of Contemporary Art), it has become the core of the Triennale and is crowded with art programs every year, not to say every three years.
This course is planned to circle around Tokamachi Station so that visitors can enjoy both the culture of Tokamachi that has continued since before the Triennale and the present Tokamachi. The distance is just right for a stroll. After the tour, you can enjoy a hot spring bath.


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