“Dragon” in Kai Zenkōji Temple, Kofu, Yamanashi pref. 10km


GPS art of a dragon drawn at one of Yamanashi’s most popular Hatsumode spot🐉✨

This GPS art course allows visitors to draw the Chinese zodiac animal “dragon (龍)” around Kai Zenkoji Temple, a Hatsumode (New Year’s visit) spot in Yamanashi Prefecture that is associated with dragons.
Two huge dragons, said to have been painted by the Edo period painter Kisai, are on the ceiling of the main sanctuary of Kai Zenkoji Temple in Kofu City. This part of the ceiling is a suspended ceiling, and when you tap your hand on it, a reverberating phenomenon called “Naruki-ryu” is produced. The Narukiryu at Kai Zenkoji Temple is the largest of its kind in Japan and is well known to many visitors.
Although it is a popular spot for worshippers, it is expected to be very crowded in 2024, the year of the dragon. Please try to visit as a New Year’s visit to avoid the density🐉✨

Source: Wikimedia Commons


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