Oni in Fukujimacho, Akishima, Tokyo 22km


GPS art of demons drawn on a land named after good fortune✨

Fuku wa uchi! This is a GPS art course to draw demons in “places named after good fortune”.
This course depicts demons in Fukushima-cho, Akishima City, located in the western part of Tokyo. In the Edo period (1603-1868), the area was called Fukushima Village, and in exchange for being exempted from paying tribute, the villagers were responsible for maintaining the waterways. The story of that time is inscribed on the “Origin of Sekimen Monument” in front of Fukushima Kaikan.
Although the area is now completely residential, you can still enjoy a glimpse of nature along the north bank of the Tama River. Please give it a try!


  • Akishima city office Fukujima Hall (Fukushima Kaikan)


Source: Wikimedia Commons


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