Tiger in Chiyoho Inari Shrine, Kaizu City, Gifu pref. 31km


GPS art of a tiger drawn on “Ochobo-san” for business prosperity and family safety✨

This is a course of GPS art of the Chinese zodiac animal, the tiger, drawn around Chiyoho Inari Shrine and the surrounding gate towns. You can fully enjoy the atmosphere of the rice paddy area sandwiched between the Ibi River and Nagara River.
Chiyoho Inari Shrine, also known as “Ochobo-san,” is a popular New Year’s visit spot in Gifu Prefecture. The date of its establishment is unknown, but it is said to have started in the Heian period (794-1185). It is said to be beneficial for prosperity in business, marriage, and success in school. Because of the large number of worshippers, the area around the shrine is crowded with more than 150 stores.


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