Hiroshima Circle Walk 45km


A circle with a radius of 3.14 km drawn over the entire city of Hiroshima✨

Hiroshima is a city that has been declared a world city of peace. The course is an equilateral circle with a radius of 3.14 km around the center of the city.
The course is drawn over the entire delta of the Ota River, so you can enjoy pure trekking with mountains and the sea.

It’s a great way to experience Hiroshima from a different perspective, and is recommended for locals too!


  1. 深川龍神の龍(東京都江東区)のGPSアート

    “Dragon” in Fukagawa Ryujin, Koto, Tokyo 7km

  2. 松山のONE TEAM(愛媛県松山市)のGPSアート

    ONE TEAM in Matsuyama, Ehime pref. 3km

  3. 京都神泉苑の龍(京都市中京区)のGPSアート

    “Dragon” in Shinsen-en Garden, Kyoto 12km

  4. 栃木県井頭公園の龍(栃木県真岡市)のGPSアート

    “Dragon” in Tochigi Prefectural Igashira Park, Moka, Tochigi pref.

  5. 氷川神社の龍(さいたま市大宮区)のGPSアート

    “Dragon” in Hikawa Shrine, Omiya ward, Saitama 10km

  6. 熊谷のONE TEAM(埼玉県熊谷市)のGPSアート

    ONE TEAM in Kumagaya, Saitama pref. 19km

  1. C(群馬県前橋市)のGPSアート

    “C” in Maebashi, Gunma pref. 3km

  2. C(栃木県宇都宮市)のGPSアート

    “C” in Utsunomiya, Tochigi pref. 5km

  3. C(茨城県水戸市)のGPSアート

    “C” in Mito, Ibaraki pref. 5km

  4. C(福島県福島市)のGPSアート

    “C” in Fukushima City 3km

  5. C(山形県山形市)のGPSアート

    “C” in Yamagata City 5km

  1. Around the World in Osaka 20km

  2. Douglas MacArthur in around Yokota Base 33km

  3. 上野公園のさくら(東京都台東区)のGPSアート

    Cherry Blossom in Ueno Park, Tokyo 10km

  4. Cherry Blossom in Osaka Castle 9km

  5. ピースマーク(千葉県船橋市)のお絵かきラン

    PEACE on Finabashi, Chiba pref. 4km