“Dragon” in Tochigi Prefectural Igashira Park, Moka, Tochigi pref.


GPS art of a dragon drawn at one of Kochi’s most popular Hatsumode spot🐉✨

A GPS art course where you can draw the Chinese zodiac animal “dragon (龍)” in the vicinity of Igashira Park in Tochigi Prefecture, an exercise spot for Tochigi residents.
The Hanachoyukan in Igashira Park, Tochigi Prefecture, is home to a “green iguana” that looks like a dragon. The park has a button garden, a rose garden, a swimming pool, and a boat pond, and is used by many people throughout the four seasons. The park has a 3.3-km circuit course, and is also the venue for the “Moka Igashira Marathon” and the “Tochigi 30K.
Since 2024 is the Year of the Dragon, Igashira Park in Tochigi may become a popular spot. Please try it as a sightseeing tour to avoid the density 🐉✨

Source: Wikimedia Commons


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