“Dragon” in Shirayama Hime Jinja, Hakusan, Ishikawa pref. 8km


GPS art of a dragon drawn at Ishikawa Prefecture’s popular Hatsumode spot🐉✨

This GPS art course allows visitors to draw the Chinese character for the Chinese zodiac animal “dragon (竜)” around Hakusan Himine Shrine, a Hatsumode (New Year’s visit) spot in Ishikawa Prefecture that has a connection with dragons.
Hakusan Himine Shrine has a power spot called Ryuketsu (dragon hole). From a feng shui perspective, the shrine is located at the head of a tall, slender, serpent-shaped rise. Hakusan Hime Shrine is the main shrine of Hakusan Shrine, whose sacred mountain Hakusan, one of the three most famous mountains in Japan, is the sacred mountain. It has been called “Shirayamasan” by the locals and has long been revered as a sacred place of sacred mountain worship, and will be recognized as a World Geopark in 2023.
The shrine boasts the highest number of worshippers in Saitama Prefecture, and is expected to be very crowded. Please try to visit the shrine as a Hatsumode (New Year’s visit) to avoid the crowds🐉

Source: Wikimedia Commons


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