Cherry Blossom in Senshū Park, Akita City 11km


The first spring ahead of the others! GPS art of cherry blossoms✨

This course draws cherry blossoms GPS art in Senshu Park, one of the most famous cherry blossom viewing spots in Akita Prefecture.
This urban park was developed on the site of what was once Kubota Castle. It is designed so that visitors can enjoy the scenery in each of the four seasons. Approximately 700 cherry trees, including someiyoshino, weeping cherry, and yaezakura, are planted in the park, which is illuminated at night to allow visitors to enjoy the cherry blossoms at night.
The cherry blossoms are usually at their best from mid to late April.
It is becoming a trend that the restriction of activities is being lifted. We think this is a perfect place for sightseeing in Akita 🌸



Source: Wikimedia Commons


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