Catfish in Miyagi Tsunami Memorial Museum, Ishinomaki, Miyagi pref. 14km


GPS art of catfish drawn on the site of the earthquake-tsunami legacy✨

A course of catfish GPS art to be drawn at the Miyagi Tsunami Memorial Museum, which was established in Ishinomaki in the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
This Ishinomaki was also affected by the earthquake. The museum was built to pass on both the memories of that time and the memories of the people who worked together to rebuild afterwards. This facility was built to pass on both memories. This facility is located in the Ishinomaki Minamihama Tsunami Reconstruction Memorial Park. The area where this park is located was particularly severely damaged by a combination of the tsunami, fire, and land subsidence.
This course takes visitors from JR Ishinomaki Station to the coast. You can see both the scars of the earthquake and the reconstructed cityscape. We hope you give it a try when you visit!

Source: Ishinomaki Tourist Association


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