Rabbit in Namiori Shrine, Fukutsu City, Fukuoka pref. 18km


Rabbit GPS art drawn at a Hatsumode spot in Fukuoka pref.🐰✨

A course of GPS art of rabbits, the animals of the Chinese zodiac, drawn at Namiori Shrine, the most popular hare’s first visit to the shrine in Fukuoka Prefecture.
This shrine is located in the center of the sea town of Tsuyazaki, which was a bustling salt shipping port until the early Showa period. The precincts of the shrine are home to a statue of a rabbit surfing the waves, which is said to “bring good luck,” making it a popular spot for Hatsumode (New Year’s visit) in the Year of the Rabbit.
It may be difficult to gather there, depending on the plague infection situation… …We hope you enjoy your zodiac run avoiding the density of the area 🐰🐇✨

Source: Wikimedia Commons


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