“ゆ (Hot Spring)” in Nachikatsuura, Wakayama pref. 4km


GPS art of “YU” to be drawn in one of the most famous hot springs in Kishu Region♨✨

A course of “ゆ (hotspring)” GPS art drawing on Nankikatsuura Onsen.
It is a scenic spot on the rias coast. A hot spring resort developed in Japan’s modern era, development progressed with the development of drilling technology in the Taisho era (1912-1926). It developed as a honeymoon center during the postwar reconstruction period of the Showa period and reached its peak with the electrification of the railroad. Currently, the area is attracting attention because the sacred sites and pilgrimage routes in the nearby Kii Mountain Range have been recognized as a World Heritage site.
This is a location where you can enjoy extraordinary scenery. Hope you will enjoy GPS art and hot springs ♨✨

Source: Wikimedia Commons


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