Heart & Arrow in Hatagaya, Tokyo 12km


GPS art of hearts to be drawn in Hatagaya💘

This GPS art course allows you to draw hearts in Hatagaya, a popular residential area in Tokyo.
The name “Hatagaya” comes from the fact that in 1082 (Eiho 2), in the late Heian period (794-1185), on his way back from the “Later Three Years’ War,” the warlord Minamoto no Yoshie washed his white flag, the banner of the Minamoto clan, at Hatarashiike, a pond located in this area. It is one of the safest areas in Shibuya Ward, and the town itself is bustling with activity, with many stores open until late at night, making it relatively safe to walk the streets at night.
You can draw GPS art of hearts all around Hatagaya. Also, the location where the arrow sticks is Hatagaya Station. The heart is an arrow. Please give it a try!


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