Skull in Higashi-Nihonbashi, Tokyo 11km


Great for Halloween! GPS art of skulls💀

A course of GPS art of skulls, drawing in the Higashi-Nihonbashi area of urban Tokyo.
Iwamotocho to the north, Suitengu to the south, Nihonbashi to the west, and Sumida River to the east. Since the Edo period (1603-1867), the area flourished as a transportation hub and was also an entertainment district. In addition to the Meiji-za Theater, one of Tokyo’s most famous theaters, the area is also home to Suitengu Shrine, famous for its prayer for safe delivery. Although there are many turns, the distance can be finished with a light jogging. It may be just right for veterans of the drawing run.
It may be difficult to gather again this year depending on the plague… …We hope you enjoy our Halloween run that avoids the density💀✨

Source: Wikimedia Commons


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