“ゆ (Hot Spring)” in Misasa, Tottori pref. 2km


GPS art of “YU” to be drawn in one of the most famous hot springs in Sanin Region♨✨

A course of “ゆ (hotspring)” GPS art drawing on Misasa Onsen.
It is one of the most radioactive springs in the world. It contains radium and radon, and in some cases thoron. Known as a therapeutic hot spring, many medical institutions and research facilities for spa therapy are located here.
There is a bust of Marie Curie, who discovered radium, in the “Place Curie” and a “Curie Festival” is held in late July, the day of her death. ……, but there is no record of her ever visiting Misasa Town. (The town has a sister city affiliation with Lamaroux-les-Bains, France, where the hot springs are located.)
This is a location where you can enjoy hot spring therapy, which is rare in the world. We hope you enjoy GPS art and the hot springs ♨✨



Source: Wikimedia Commons


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