ONE in Sugadaira, Ueda, Nagano pfef. 14km


GPS art of “ONE” TEAM on the sacred land of Japanese rugby✨

The GPS art course is located in Sugadaira, a sacred land for rugby in Japan, and is depicted with the rugby slogan “ONE”.
Sugadaira is located at an altitude of 1,300 meters, which is considered a semi-high altitude area, and because it is cool in the summer, rugby teams from all over Japan come to Sugadaira for training camps. Despite the small size of the plateau, it has more than 100 rugby fields! It is a location that is suitable for a sanctuary.
The air is thin because it is a semi-high altitude area. If you do not acclimatize your body to some extent, you may be at risk of altitude sickness. Please keep in mind that you should not move at the same pace as usual, take frequent breaks to rest and drink water, and always stop if you feel sick!

Just Did It!

The left half was drawn on foot… but I got altitude sickness and came down with it.
The right half was drawn by car… so sad…



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