Frog in Amaikemachi, Hekinan, Aichi pref. 6km


GPS art of a frog drawing in the name of a place named “Rain”🐸

As the rainy season has started this year, we have drawn frogs in the names of places with the word “rain (雨)” in this GPS art course series.
Amaikemachi (雨池町) used to be an area where the Meitetsu Mikawa Line used to run, but part of the line was closed in 2004. The site has now been redeveloped as Hekinan Rail Park. The promenade along the railroad and the plaza at the station site retain the atmosphere of the past. Tamatsuura Station used to be the nearest station to the bathing beach, but it was reclaimed and turned into an industrial area with the urbanization of the area.
We hope you enjoy walking around the town while feeling the atmosphere of those days 🐸🐸🐸


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