Jack O’Lantern in Bengaluru, INDIA 18km


A Halloween course to draw in the Silicon Valley of India.

A course in the GPS art of skulls, drawing in Bengaluru, one of Asia’s most cosmopolitan cities and the center of the IT industry.
The climate is cool and pleasant due to its high altitude compared to other cities in India. Since India’s independence, the city has developed as a center of heavy industry and is now called the Silicon Valley of India. Formerly called Bangalore, it is now renamed Bengaluru-.
It may be difficult to gather again this year depending on the epidemic… …We hope you will enjoy our Halloween run avoiding the densely populated area ✨

Source: Wikimedia Commons


  1. ハイドパークの桜(ロンドン/英国)のGPSアート

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  2. 上野公園のさくら(東京都台東区)のGPSアート

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