Cherry Blossom in Asaino Ipponzakura, Kurume, Fukuoka pref. 17km


GPS Art of Cherry Blossoms on a Single Cherry Tree Beloved by Citizens✨

This is a course of GPS art of cherry blossoms drawn on the “single cherry tree of Asai,” beloved by the citizens of Kurume.
The cherry tree is about 110 years old and boasts a trunk circumference of 4.3 meters and a height of 18 meters. During the flowering season, the cherry blossoms are illuminated and can be enjoyed at night. The upside-down cherry blossoms reflected in the surface of the pond are also worth a visit.
The course is drawn on the plain between the single cherry tree and the Chikugo River. The nearest station, Zendoji Station, is the center of the flowers. It should be easy to draw even if you access by train.


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