Oni in Kanda Nishifukudacho, Chiyoda, Tokyo 9km


Fuku wa Uchi! GPS art for Setsubun, drawing on the ground where the name “Fuku” is✨

This is an art course painted in the Nishi-Fukuda-cho area of Kanda.
Before the Edo period, this area was called Fukuda Village. The remnants of this village gave rise to the towns of Higashi (East) and Nishi (West) Fukuda in the Edo period. In 1965, Higashi-Fukuda-cho merged with Iwamoto-cho and disappeared.
It is located right there after getting off at Kanda Station. There are many roads because the place is surrounded by buildings of the office district. The distance is moderate, so you can paint this course a little casually. Give it a try before the Setsubun Festival!


  • Kanda Station



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  2. Cherry Blossom in around Nago Castle Park 16km

  3. Cherry Blossom in Osaka Castle 9km

  4. TokyoCircleWalk

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