Sanda Claus in Numabukuro, Nakano Ward, Tokyo 9km


GPS art of Santa Claus, carrying a “sack” in Tokyo✨

This is a GPS art course that circles around Numabukuro Station on the Seibu Shinjuku Line and depicts Santa Claus carrying Numabukuro in Nakano Ward.
Nakano-ku is a bedroom community in Tokyo. There is a part of the city named “Numabukuro”. The earliest record of the name appears in a document from the Muromachi period (1336-1573), and it is assumed that the name was derived from the fact that it was a marshy area (numa) where many swamps appeared after the rivers swelled.
When I think about it, I wonder if …… is the area where my art friend, Sweater, is mainly active. Please take a look at his work!


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