Rabbit in Osaki Shrine, Moka, Tochigi pref. 15km


Rabbit GPS art drawn at a Hatsumode spot in Tochigi🐰✨

A course of GPS art of a rabbit, the animal of the Chinese zodiac, drawing at Osaki Shrine, a Hatsumode spot in Tochigi.
With 100,000 worshippers, it is one of the most popular Hatsumode spots in Tochigi Prefecture. Recently, “Osaki Ebisu Shrine, the most Ebisu-sama in Japan” in the precincts of the shrine has been gaining recognition. Worshippers have won large sums of money from lottery tickets, making it a popular place for praying for good fortune.
Depending on the epidemic, it may be difficult to gather… …Please enjoy the zodiac run avoiding the densely populated area 🐰🐇✨



Source: Wikimedia Commons


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