Saitama Pose in Kawagoe, Saitama pref. 14km


GPS art depicts “Saitama Pose” in a small Edo district in southern Saitama Prefecture✨

November 14 is Saitama Citizens’ Day! This is a course where you can draw “Saitama Pose” with GPS art, which is what you should do if you are a resident of Saitama Prefecture.
Kawagoe City began as a castle town after the Ota clan built Kawagoe Castle in the 15th century. During the Edo period (1603-1867), the town was connected to Edo by boat transportation and developed as a center of industry. In the Meiji period (1868-1912), the railroad was built after Omiya, and the center of transportation was replaced by boat transportation. Today, Kawagoe is called “Koedo” (Little Edo) because of its streets that retain an Edo atmosphere, and is crowded with many people as a sightseeing spot.
The “Saitama Pose hand” can be drawn by touring the city center centering on Kawagoe Station. Residents of Saitama Prefecture are welcome, but those from outside the prefecture are also welcome to give it a try!

ADDITION: They are looking for “Saitama Pose Photos” at the following link. Please feel free to submit your photos here as well!
 Saitama poses are wanted from all over Japan! @So! Da SAITAMA


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