辛(Hot) in Otawara, Tochigi pref. 18km


GPS art of “spicy” drawn in the town of peppers🌶✨

This GPS art calligraphy course draws on the city of Otawara, Japan’s largest producer of chili peppers.
Japan used to be an exporter of chili peppers, and in the 1960s, Ohtawara City produced 7,000 tons per year, ranking first in Japan in terms of production. With modernization, imports from China increased and production declined, but in 2005, the “Otawara Togarashi no Sato Zukuri Zukuri Promotion Council” was established. The city has been educating people about chili peppers in order to promote the region, and thanks to their efforts, in 2019, the city was declared the number one producer of chili peppers in Japan. In both name and reality, the city has returned to the top of Japan.
This course takes you around the center of the city. We will also pass by Yoshioka Shokuhin, a long-established chili pepper manufacturer, so you may be able to smell the aroma. Please give it a try!

Source: Tougarashi Kyougikai

Just Did It!

Thank you, Chaozu-san!
Nice spicy🌶✨



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