Catfish in Hachinohe City Port Experiential Learning Center, Hachinohe, Aomori pref. 17km


Catfish GPS art to be drawn at a facility to pass on the legacy of the Great East Japan Earthquake.

A course of catfish GPS art to be drawn at the Hachinohe City Port Experiential Learning Center, a facility for handing down the legacy of the earthquake disaster in Hachinohe City.
At the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake, Aomori Prefecture was not among the three prefectures affected. Nevertheless, damage still occurred within Aomori Prefecture. Hachinohe City was particularly severely damaged, accounting for nearly 90% of the prefecture’s property damage. The Hachinohe City Port Experience Learning Center not only shows the damage at that time, but also functions as a disaster prevention facility.
This course takes visitors on a tour of both the Hachinohe Port area and the facility located on higher ground. You can also experience how to prepare for tsunami. We would be happy if you could draw us there.

八戸市みなと体験学習館 みなっ知の外観
Source: Hachinohe City Office


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