Urashimataro & Turtle in Mitoyo, Kagawa pref. 27km


GPS art drawing in Urashima Taro’s hometown✨

This is a course of GPS art of Urashima Taro, drawn in Takuma-cho, Mitoyo City, Kagawa Prefecture.
This is the place of the legend of Urashima Taro. Takuma-cho, Mitoyo City, which has Shonai Peninsula, has many place names and remains related to the legend of Urashima. Particularly interesting is a public restroom in the shape of the Dragon’s Palace near the course.
The course has many ups and downs. This is a course you should definitely try for a sightseeing run or for training!


  • Ryugujo (Dragon Palace) Public Toilet


Source: Wikimedia Commons


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