Catfish in Iwate Tsunami Memorial Museum, Rikuzentakata, Iwate pref. 31km


GPS art of catfish drawn on the site of the earthquake-tsunami legacy✨

A course of catfish GPS art to be drawn at the Iwate Tsunami Memorial Museum, which was created in the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
This facility was created to pass on to future generations the fact that the area was damaged by the earthquake and tsunami, and to communicate the state of recovery to the outside world. Takada Matsubara was once the site of the famous Takada pine grove. The tsunami hit the area and destroyed most of it, but one pine tree remained standing. This tree became a symbol of hope for recovery and is called the “Miracle Pine Tree.
We hope that through GPS art, visitors will be able to experience the reality of the post-disaster rebirth of the area.

Source: Wikimedia Commons


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