Tiger in Ōasahiko Shrine, Naruto, Tokushima pref. 16km


A GPS run course of a tiger drawn to the main shrine of Tokushima Prefecture✨

This is a course of tigers, the animal of the Chinese zodiac, drawn around the Omahiko Shrine, which was also the chief shrine of Awaji Province. The shrine has a long history, dating back to the time of Emperor Jinmu, when Amatomino-no-mikoto, the grandson of Omabiko, moved here to sow hemp seeds and cultivate the land, and was enshrined as a guardian deity.
This is a course of tiger GPS art to be drawn between this shrine and the old Yoshino River. You can tour the land that has been fertile since ancient times and think back to those days. Try this out as a new form of hatsumode!


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