Rabbit in Usa Jingu, Usa City, Oita pref. 13km


Rabbit GPS art to be drawn at Hatsumode spot in Oita🐰✨

A course of GPS art of a rabbit, the animal of the Chinese zodiac, drawn at Usa Jingu, Oita’s representative hare’s first visit to the shrine.
Usa Jingu is the head shrine of Hachiman Shrine, which has about 44,000 shrines throughout Japan. Since its name is “Usa,” we thought it would be perfect for the Year of the Rabbit (Usagi). The course passes through one of the most popular Hatsumode spots in the prefecture, so please be careful about the schedule and time of day if you decide to go.
Depending on the plague, it may be difficult to gather… …We hope you enjoy your zodiac run avoiding the density 🐰🐇✨

Source: Wikimedia Commons


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