Cherry Blossom in Saitobaru Tumulus Group, Saito, Miyazaki pref. 15km


Spring’s First One Step Ahead! GPS art of cherry blossoms in Miyazaki✨

This is a course where you can draw GPS art of cherry blossoms ahead of others.
Located in the center of Miyazaki Prefecture, known as the “Home of Mythology,” is one of the largest groups of ancient tombs in Japan. Many ancient tombs, large and small, are concentrated here, and seasonal plants and trees are planted. Especially in spring, 2,000 cherry trees and 300,000 rape blossoms bloom, creating a contrast of pink and yellow that is sure to delight tourists.
This is a trend that is beginning to lift the restrictions on activities. We think this is the perfect place for sightseeing in Miyazaki 🌸

Source: Wikimedia Commons


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