Skull in Kitasenju, Adachi ward, Tokyo 21km


Great for Halloween! GPS art of skull in Kitasenju💀

A course of skull GPS art to be drawn at the Senju Thermal Power Station, a power station that once supported Tokyo’s electricity supply.
The Senju Thermal Power Station was affectionately known as the “Haunted Chimney” by local residents. There are various theories, but the most famous story is that it is based on a “mysterious chimney” whose number of chimneys changes from one to four depending on the direction of view. The chimneys were featured in movies and novels, and were famous throughout Japan as one of the most famous landmarks of the Showa era (1926-1989). It has now disappeared, and a monument quietly remains in a corner of Teikyo University of Science.
This year, depending on the plague, it may be difficult to gather… We hope you will enjoy our Halloween run avoiding the density of the city 💀✨

Sourcr: Wikimedia Commons


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