Tiger in Hikawa Shrine, Saitama City 17km


GPS art of animals of the Chinese zodiac, drawn at the main shrine of Hikawa Shrine✨

This is a course of GPS art of the animal of the Chinese zodiac, the tiger, drawn around the Hikawa Shrine, which gave Omiya its name.
The Hikawa Shrine is the headquarters of about 280 Hikawa Shrines scattered throughout the former Musashi Province (present-day Saitama Prefecture and Tokyo). It has a long history, dating back to 473 BC. The course takes you from the east exit of Omiya Station to Hikawa Shrine and Omiya Park, in the center of the former Omiya City. You can enjoy the atmosphere of Omiya to the fullest.
The number of visitors to the shrine is the 10th largest in Japan, with about 2 million people visiting the shrine. This is the perfect course for a visit without the dense traffic!

Just Did It!

Thank you, Korotama-san!


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