Calender in Hikawa Shrine, Kwaguchi, Saitama pref. 16km


GPS art on Kawaguchi’s Hikawa shrine, perfect for New Year’s Eve✨

This is a GPS art course where you can draw a daily calendar for the 31st of December, conceived as an idea for a New Year’s Eve course.
Chinju Hikawa Shrine is a village shrine in Aoki Village, Kawaguchi City. There is a Fuji mound on the shrine grounds, so you can experience a bit of Fuji climbing. On New Year’s Eve, the “Super Star Championship” is held at the adjacent auto racing track, which is known as the “Mecca of Auto Racing”. It is expected to be a very busy day, so please make sure you time your visit accordingly!
The number “2021” is a route that can be reformed, not only for 2021 but also for New Year’s Eve afterwards, so we hope you will give it a try in 2022 and beyond.

Just Did It!

We started before the sun came up. It was a good decision. During the day the auto racing track was packed with people with their sports papers. A big thank you to everyone who invited us!



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