Hakodate Circle Walk 33km


The course of an equilateral circle drawn around Goryokaku✨

Goryokaku was Japan’s first Western-style fortress. It was built to protect the local magistrate’s office from foreign ships after the arrival of the black ships in Edo at the end of the Edo period. The magistrate’s office, which was located near the harbor, was moved to the center of the plain where it could not be overlooked by Mount Hakodate and could not be reached by gunfire from foreign ships. The magistrate’s office was also placed in the center of the site.
The course forms a perfect circle across the plain with the courtyard of the Magistrate’s Office at the center of the pentagonal site. You can see that it is nicely centered against the coast and the mountains.


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    “C” in Yamagata City 5km

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  5. Douglas MacArthur in around Yokota Base 33km