Rabbit in London, England 13km


Rabbit GPS art drawing in one of the world’s leading cities🐰✨

A course in GPS art of the zodiac animal, the rabbit, to be drawn in one of the world’s most cosmopolitan cities, London, England.
The rabbit will be drawn in the center of London. You can also use this course as a walking tour of London, as you can visit many tourist spots and squares. If you are not sure where to go, this is the course for you. This is a great sightseeing tour in itself. You will also pass by the British Museum, one of the most popular spots in the city.
In mid-January and during the Chinese New Year, the Zodiac Run, in which zodiac animals are drawn, is sure to be a popular event. Please enjoy the Zodiac Run in the UK 🐰🐇✨

Source: Wikimedia Commons


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