Cherry Blossom in Kijō Park, Tsuchiura, Ibaraki pref. 4km


Spring’s First One Step Ahead! GPS art of cherry blossoms✨

This course draws cherry blossoms GPS art in Kijo Park, one of the most famous cherry blossom viewing spots in Ibaraki Prefecture.
The ruins of the castle, selected as one of the 100 best castles in Japan, was built in the Muromachi period (1336-1573). After the castle was abandoned in the Meiji period (1868-1912), it was converted into a park. About 50 Someiyoshino cherry trees are planted in the park, and the contrast between the turrets and the moat is a delight to cherry blossom viewers.
Usually, the cherry blossom season is from late March to early April. This year (2023) when the announcement was made, the cherry blossoms have already bloomed.
It is becoming a trend that the restriction of activities will be lifted. I think this is the perfect time to visit Tsuchiura 🌸



Source: Ibaraki Guide


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