Rabbit in Utono Inari Shrine, Usuki, Oita pref. 7km


Rabbit GPS art drawn at one of Oita Prefecture’s most popular Hatsumode spots🐰✨

A course of rabbit GPS art to be drawn at Utora Inari Shrine, Oita Prefecture’s representative Hatsumode spot for the Year of the Rabbit.
The shrine is located near the Utora turret of the ruins of Usuki Castle, up a flight of stone steps with a photogenic torii gate. The shrine was built when the castle was constructed and is well known to local residents. The course passes through streets with historical landscapes, making it a good place for historical exploration. This course is perfect not only for Hatsumode, but also for sightseeing.
It may be difficult to get together depending on the infection of the plague… …We hope you will enjoy the zodiac run avoiding the density of the city 🐰🐇✨

Source: Wikimedia Commons


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