“Dragon” in Ryujingu Shrine, Ōmura, Nagasaki pref. 26km


GPS art of a dragon drawn at one of Nagasaki’s most popular Hatsumode spot🐉✨

This GPS art course allows visitors to draw the Chinese character for “dragon (龍),” the animal of the Chinese zodiac, in the area around Ryu Jinja Shrine, a Nagasaki Prefecture spot with a connection to dragons.
The Ryu Jinja Shrine in Omura City was originally built in 1708 by Sumimasa Omura, the fifth lord of the Omura Clan, who enshrined the “Eight Great Dragon Kings (八大龍王)” as guardians of prosperity, safety at sea, and good fortune for the residents. The neighborhood is home to Boat Race Omura, the birthplace of boat racing in Japan, and racers come to the shrine to pray for safety at sea. Spectators may also want to visit the shrine to pray for good luck.
Since 2024 is the Year of the Dragon, Ryu Jinsha Shrine may become a popular Hatsumode spot. Please try it as a sightseeing trip to avoid the density 🐉✨

Source: Japan Location Database


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