Tiger in Oyama Shrine, Kanazawa, Ishikawa pref. 14km


GPS Art of a Tiger on a Shrine Dedicated to Toshiie Maeda, Founder of the Kaga Clan✨

This is a course of GPS art of the animal of the Chinese zodiac, the tiger, drawn in the urban area between Kanazawa Station, Kanazawa Castle, and Oyama Shrine.
Oyama Shrine, located on the west side of the fire, is known for its blessings of family safety, business prosperity, and victory. It was built in 1973, after the start of the Meiji era (1868-1912), to enshrine the ancestors of the Kaga clan. The shrine gate, which incorporates three styles of Japanese, Chinese, and Western architecture, has been designated as an important cultural property.


  1. 千代保稲荷神社の虎(岐阜県海津市)のGPSアート

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  2. ラガーマン(東京都江戸川区)のGPSアート

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  3. 福生の鬼(東京都福生市)のGPSアート

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  6. C(富山県富山市)のGPSアート

    “C” in Toyama City 4km

  1. 板橋(東京都板橋区)のGPSアート

    Itabashi (板橋) in Itabashi, Tokyo 20km

  2. 中野(東京都中野区)のGPSアート

    Nakano (中野) in Nakano, Tokyo 14km

  3. 文京(東京都文京区)のGPSアート

    Bunkyo (文京) in Bunkyo, Tokyo 15km

  4. 江東(東京都江東区)のGPSアート

    Koto (江東) in Koto, Tokyo 16km

  5. 荒川(東京都荒川区)のGPSアート

    Arakawa (荒川) in Arakawa, Tokyo 11km

  1. Douglas MacArthur in around Yokota Base 33km

  2. 上野公園のさくら(東京都台東区)のGPSアート

    Cherry Blossom in Ueno Park, Tokyo 10km

  3. ミャクミャク様(大阪市)のGPSアート

    Myaku-Myaku in Osaka 41km

  4. Around the World in Osaka 20km

  5. Cherry Blossom in Osaka Castle 9km