Oni in Domeki, Yamagata City 17km


GPS art of demons, drawn in the land of demons✨

Fuku wa uchi! This is a GPS art course where you can draw demons on places named after demons.
GPS art to be drawn on Domeki (百目鬼) in Yamagata City, Japan.
This place is recorded as “Domeki” in the 1623 land survey book. The origin of the place name is said to be the “roaring (dome)” sound of the water volume in the rapids of the Honzawa River, which is one digit higher than 10, and the character for “hundred (百)” is used to describe the steepness of the area, which is as frightening as the “eye of a demon.
There is also a hot spring on the course, the Domeki Hot Spring, which was dug in 2001 when a well was dug for agricultural water, and the hot spring gushed out by chance. After enjoying the GPS art, be sure to stop by this hot spring as well!


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