GPS art of demons, drawn in the land of demons✨
Fuku wa uchi! This is a GPS art course where you can draw demons on places named after demons.
This GPS artwork depicts Oniyanagicho (鬼柳町) in Kitakami City, Iwate Prefecture.
The area was once home to two villages, Kami-Oniyanagi (上鬼柳村) and Shimo-Oniyanagi (下柳村), which merged in 1889 to form Oniyanagi Village, which merged with neighboring villages to form the city of Kitakami in 1954. The history of the village is long, and it appears that Oniyanagi Village was mentioned in a document dated 1304.
The origin of the place name is said to be the dense growth of willows (柳) and ogis (荻) along the Waga River adjacent to the village, which gave rise to the name “ogiyanagi, (荻柳)” which in turn was changed to “oniyanagi (鬼柳). It is also said to be a corruption of “oiyanagi (老柳)” or “fuchiyanagi (淵柳).

1st work was authorized by Guinness World Records as “the Largest GPS Drawing”.
He is the only Japanese person to be featured in a Google documentary as an innovator. He is fascinated by the idea of drawing with GPS and has published more than 1,500 courses.